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Discover Your Why
Here is where we really start to work, we're diving deeper into the heart of our district's 'WHY'. We'll explore how the defining moments you've identified intertwine with the core values you've identified. This exercise will help you see the tangible manifestations of your values in action and deepen your understanding of what truly drives your district.
Each moment you've shared is not just a memory; it's a reflection of your district's core values. These moments illustrate how your values come to life and impact your community.
Your goal is to map these moments to the values, discovering the threads that connect what you do with why you do it.
Let's start by revisiting the significant moments and core values you've previously identified. Reflect on why these moments were pivotal and the values they represent.
For each moment, I'd like you to consider how it aligns with each of the core values. If there's a direct correlation, note it down. If not, it's okay to leave it blank.
Think about the broader implications of these moments. How do they embody your district values? How have they shaped the culture and identity of your district?
Remember, this is not just an intellectual exercise. It's about understanding the soul of your district – what makes it unique and purposeful.
The connections you've made between your moments and values are crucial in bringing depth and authenticity to our 'why' statement. Next, we will begin the process of developing the key elements of a 'why' statement. These connections will further refine your 'why', creating a statement that not only defines but also inspires your everyone in your district.
As we continue to explore your school district's 'why', we'll now delve deeper into the significant moments you've identified. Our aim is to uncover the correlations and patterns that link these proud moments with the core values you previously discerned.